
The sight of the sun glittering off the golden towers of the Shining City… simply breathtaking. One could almost believe the wild claims of the people that their ruler is descended from the Sun King himself. That is, of course, ridiculous.

— Archbishop Hershon of Narinth

Beyond the mountains of the Nauglimir, beyond the Wildlands, beyond even the scorched savannahs of Zagarka, lies the sun-blasted Kingdom of Rygalta. Despite much of its land being desert, Rygalta is known as an oasis for travellers, due in part to hospitality being a strong theme in Rygaltan culture.

Geography and Climate

Most of Rygalta’s cities lie in the savannahs along the coast of the Great Northern Sea, including its current capitol - the famed Shining City, Alhamad. The golden towers of Alhamad gleam in the sun, the jewel of one of the oldest civilizations in known Gradia.

Much of inland Rygalta is desert, though swaths of savannah mark the land where rivers cut through from the south. Most habitable land in the kingdom lies either along these rivers or the coast.

Royal Family

The King of Rygalta is both political leader and spiritual leader, acting as high priest in a sun-focused form of Essentialism, however this has become mostly symbolic over the generations. The main source of power for the royal family is their wealth — it is vast, even compared to other powerful dynasties. Much of this wealth comes from the mines of the northern savannahs of Rygalta - famously rich in gold and precious gems - which are mostly owned by the royal family.


War with Xar

Rygalta is one of the few nations in Gradia that is a military match for Xar, both on land and at sea. From the third century to the late ninth century, the two powers were at war more often than not as Xar’s expansionist regieme continuously tried to encroach on Rygaltan territory. The fighting only intensified after Thalarion stopped Xar’s westward expansion by declaring the Protectorate.

However, in 892~IA~, the two states signed an armistice and declared a neutral borderland between them which both agreed to was to remain demilitarized.

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