
The Orkol, often referred to derisively as “Orcs” by Humans, are perhaps the most misunderstood people in all of Gradia. Thought of as stupid brutes who only live to kill humans and eat their children, Orkol are actually just as intelligent as Humans on average, and have rich culture and traditions.

Orkol are generally five and a half to six and a half feet tall, broad shouldered and muscular. They have more pronounced jaws than humans, and often have pronounced canine teeth, as they are obligate carnivores. Their skin ranges from light to dark green or black, often with dark brown or black hair.

Historically, Orkol culture was extremely warlike - raiding neighboring tribes was a common tactic when their homelands did not produce enough to sustain them. As the Orkol were pushed further and further into mountainous scrub lands, their Human neighbors often became targets as well. While many Orkol tribes now shun such warlike tendencies, not all do. And their culture still remains shaped by this bloody past - a dichotomy that many Orkol struggle with.

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