
The Nauglimir are a collection of Kmekh city-states, primarily located in the Kvakhmir Mountains. Though often referred to collectively, these cities are separate sovereign states, each governed by a different Kmekh king, known as a Lim. The cities of the Nauglimir maintain close alliances on most issues, presenting a united front while preserving their individual autonomy.

The Six Cities

Muir Kadak

Muir Kadak, the city of stone, is the largest and most prominent of the Nauglimir. Outsiders often equate the entire Nauglimir with Muir Kadak, given its size and influence. The city’s massive stone structures and bustling markets epitomize the grandeur of the Kmekh civilization.

Muir Karfash

Muir Karfash, the city of hammers, is renowned for its skilled artisans and craftsmen. Situated near the Illyrian border, it engages in extensive trade with the humans of the region. When outsiders possess Kmekhoti goods, they are likely from Muir Karfash, reflecting the city’s reputation for quality and craftsmanship.

Muir Pakosh

Muir Pakosh, the city of crystal, is notable for its extensive mines, some of the most productive on the continent. The only Nauglimir city located in the Rookspine Mountains, Muir Pakosh is a vital source of minerals and gemstones, contributing significantly to the wealth and power of the Nauglimir.

Muir Baltan

Muir Baltan, the city of winds, is unique among Kmekh cities for being mostly above ground. Close to the wildlands, it serves as a crucial lookout and first line of defense against raiders. Its exposed position requires constant vigilance, and its inhabitants are known for their resilience and fortitude.

Muir Gudak

Muir Gudak, the city of coin, is named both for its lucrative gold mines and its bustling market squares. The city’s economy thrives on trade, with merchants from all over Gradia seeking the wealth and goods of Muir Gudak.

Muir Patagal

Muir Patagal, the city of diamond, is currently undergoing a renaissance. Once overrun by hordes from the underground depths, it is being rebuilt under the leadership of a new Lim. The city’s reconstruction symbolizes the resilience and enduring spirit of the Kmekh people.

Legends of Muir Dorosh

Legends speak of a lost city, Muir Dorosh, known as the city of gold. This city, later called Muir Duerga, city of betrayal, is shrouded in mystery and sorrow. It is forbidden to speak of Muir Dorosh among the Kmekh, yet traces of its story linger in the dirges and ballads that recount their history, hinting at a tragic past.


The name “Nauglimir” derives from the Kmekh language, Kankhri. The first Kmekh settlers named the mountain range Kvakhmir Yokh, meaning “mountains at the edge of the world.” As they established their cities, they referred to them collectively as Nauglim Mir, or “remote kingdoms” (literally, “thrones at the edge”), to distinguish them from their homelands in the east. Over time, this term evolved into “Nauglimir,” the name by which these kingdoms are known today.

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