
Long ago, an immensely powerful wizard named Malat-ir called the mad god Ialdabaoth from the space beyond the stars into this world. Malat-ir bound the mad god here in order to siphon his power in the war against the dark god Naarel. He used this power to cause The Sundering and banish Naarel.

While Malat-ir gained incredible power from his binding of Ialdabaoth, he didn’t realize until after the fact that he had permanently bound his mind with that of the mad god. Forseeing that he would become the hand of Ialdabaoth in Gradia, the wizard decided to seal himself away completely. He was able to siphon off some of the immense divine power and imbue it in his allies, who were removed from the mad god’s influence because they were not bound directly to him.

Malat-ir locked himself away in a secret location, and charged his band of allies with forever guarding his tomb, so that he should never be awoken to do Ialdabaoth’s bidding.

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