
Nestled in the heart of an ancient forest, Eindonallan is a secluded city-state, the last remaining nation of the Einir. Once the capital of a vast and influential kingdom, Eindonallan now stands as a testament to the resilience and enduring legacy of its inhabitants. Despite its tumultuous history, the city continues to be a beacon of Einir culture, wisdom, and arcane mastery.


The Golden Age of the Einir

In an era predating human civilization, Eindonallan was the flourishing capital of a grand Einir kingdom. The Einir, known for their profound wisdom and magical prowess, were sought after by emerging nations who either sought their counsel or desired to form alliances as a mark of prestige. Eindonallan’s influence spread far and wide, establishing it as a center of knowledge and power.

The Sundering and Seclusion

The Sundering, a cataclysmic event that reshaped the world of Gradia, marked the decline of Einir’s power. In the aftermath, the Einir used their remaining magical abilities to seclude themselves, shrouding Eindonallan from the eyes of outsiders. The once-great kingdom receded into legend, remembered only in ancient lore as it transformed into a hidden city-state, isolated yet enduring.

The Battle of Eindonallan

In 912~IA~, Eindonallan was besieged by a coalition of subterranean armies who sought the destruction of the city. The coalition forces employed a devastating tactic to blot out the sun, setting the surrounding forests ablaze to shroud the battle in darkness. The attack left the city in ruins and claimed the lives of many Einir. This dark chapter in Eindonallan’s history forged a new bond between the Einir and the humans of Dol Kor, a nearby town in Illyria, which provided refuge for the displaced elves. This alliance marked a turning point in Human-Einir relations, fostering a deep connection between Eindonallan and Illyria that persists to this day.


For the past twenty-five years, Eindonallan has been undergoing a painstaking reconstruction. While much of the city’s former grandeur has been restored, the scars of the attack are still visible, both in the landscape and in the hearts of its people. The Einir have worked tirelessly to rebuild their homes, restore their arcane libraries, and replant their sacred groves, striving to reclaim their heritage while honoring their fallen.


Lore and Wisdom

Despite the Sundering sapping the Einir of much of their innate connection to magic, Eindonallan remains a bastion of arcane knowledge and wisdom. The city’s libraries still contain many ancient tomes and scrolls, saved by Einir who risked their lives during the Battle of Eindonallan. Scholars and mages from across Gradia seek to visit Eindonallan, hoping to study under the tutelage of its esteemed sages and to delve into its rich repository of mystical lore.

Architectural Splendor

The architecture of Eindonallan reflects the elegance and artistry of the Einir. Graceful spires, intricately carved stonework, and harmonious designs that blend seamlessly with the natural environment are hallmarks of the city’s aesthetic. The central spire of the city, the tower that serves as the seat of their elder council, seems almost impossibly engineered. Built in pre-Sundering times using some now-lost magic, the spire stands taller than any modern stonework could, and has survived even the Battle of Eindonallan mostly undamaged.

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