Dol Kor

Dol Kor is a quaint borderland town strategically positioned on the highway connecting the bustling city of Illyria and the Einir kingdom of Eindonallan. Despite its modest size, Dol Kor has a significant history and has experienced a renaissance in recent years, largely due to Illyrians making pilgrimages to honor the revered Saint of Flames.


Originally known as Dol Montur, or “Montur’s Hill,” after the prominent hill just north of the town, Dol Kor received its current name from the Saint of Flames in 912~IA~. This renaming was a tribute to his loyal companion and friend, Kor. It is believed that the Saint of Flames had intended to settle in Dol Kor after the liberation of Illyria, a testament to the town’s significance in his life. To commemorate Kor, a statue stands in the main square, depicting him, gravely wounded yet resolutely rising to continue the fight against the Orkol.

The Battle of Dol Montur

In 910~IA~, Dol Montur found itself in the path of a massive Orkol warband invasion. Whether these warbands were mercenaries hired by Narin or opportunistic raiders remains unclear. The Saint of Flames and his companions, returning from Eindonallan where they sought assistance against Narin, were present in Dol Montur during the assault. Their heroic efforts delayed the Orkol long enough to evacuate much of the population, leading them to safety in Eindonallan. Although the town was eventually razed, the high number of survivors allowed for a significant reconstruction effort, aided by the Einir.

The Battle of Eindonallan

In early 912~IA~, Eindonallan faced a devastating attack by a coalition of subterranean nations, with rumors suggesting the involvement of a dragon. The city and much of the surrounding forest were nearly obliterated by fire. Dol Kor’s inhabitants, demonstrating extraordinary solidarity, played a crucial role in the rebuilding efforts. They provided substantial aid and opened their homes to the displaced Einir, fostering a strong bond between the two communities.

Post-Narin Dol Kor

Today, Dol Kor is a testament to resilience and unity. The town boasts a higher concentration of Einir residents than any other human settlement, reflecting its pivotal role in bridging the human and Einir communities. Pilgrims continue to visit, drawn by the legacy of the Saint of Flames and the town’s rich history.

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