Kingdom of Corin

Corin is a verdant coastal kingdom nestled between the Lorimar Sea and the Rookspine Mountains. This picturesque land is renowned for its lush landscapes, which captivated the first human tribes migrating north from the Lorimar Sea. While many continued their journey to settle in what is now the Empire of Narin, several smaller groups chose to remain, giving rise to the Kingdom of Corin. Over time, these agricultural and fishing settlements evolved into small fiefdoms, eventually coalescing into a federal elective monarchy.

Geography and Climate

Corin’s coastal regions are characterized by rolling hills, fertile plains, and serene shores. To the northeast, the Rookspine Mountains rise majestically, creating a natural barrier that has helped shape Corin’s history and culture. These rugged mountains are home to dense forests, crystal-clear rivers, and abundant wildlife. Corin’s location between the mountains and the Lorimar Sea helps keep its climate mild, never getting too hot or cold. Corin’s surplus of natural resources has always been a boon to its people, who thrive off this rich land.

History and Governance

The history of Corin is deeply intertwined with the early migrations of humanity. As tribes moved north from the Lorimar Sea, many chose to stay in this rich land. These early settlers established small, self-sufficient communities that gradually grew into prosperous fiefdoms. The natural abundance of the land allowed for a stable and thriving society, setting the foundation for Corin’s development.

Unlike many other kingdoms, Corin’s monarchy is not hereditary in nature. The fiefdoms that emerged from the initial settlements maintained a degree of autonomy, and the princes of these fiefdoms choose new monarchs from amongst themselves, instead of through lineage. This tradition of joint governance among smaller fiefs fostered a strong sense of cooperation and communal duty in the people of Corin, which remains a defining characteristic of the kingdom to this day.

Relations with Narin

Corin shares a long and tumultuous history with Narin, its powerful neighbor to the northwest. The kingdom has been conquered twice by Narin, each time enduring occupation and integrating with the larger empire. However, Corin’s resilient spirit and values have always driven it to reclaim its sovereignty. Currently, Corin is nominally a vassal state of Narin, but many argue that the emperor’s influence is largely symbolic and that Corin operates with considerable independence.

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