
Alfheim, the land of the Alfir, is a realm of stark contrasts, where survival in its harsh environment has forged a resilient and enigmatic people. This southernmost land spends half the year blanketed in snow and ice, with winters so severe that the sun barely rises above the horizon. In contrast, the summers bring exceptionally long days and mild weather, transforming the frozen landscape into a vibrant and lush environment. Despite these extremes, the Alfir not only survive but thrive in their frozen forests. Their white cities and towers, now mostly in ruins, still hold a haunting beauty for those brave enough to seek them out.

Geography and Climate

Vast and Untamed

Alfheim occupies the southeastern tip of the continent, a region characterized by its vast stretches of untouched taiga. The inland borders of Alfheim are vaguely defined, extending from the frozen shores to the foothills that mark its northern and eastern extents. This wild and untamed land is dominated by dense forests, frozen rivers, and rugged terrain.

Lake Sshan

One of Alfheim’s most notable geographical features is Lake Sshan, the largest lake on the continent. This frigid body of water is surrounded by the ruins of the once-great Alfir empire, a testament to the grandeur that once was. The area around Lake Sshan, though harsh and unforgiving, holds a mystical allure, drawing adventurers and scholars alike to explore its icy depths and ancient ruins.

Seasonal Extremes

Alfheim’s location so far south results in dramatic seasonal changes. During winter, the sun rises for only a few hours each day, casting a pale light over the frozen landscape. The extreme cold and lack of sunlight make survival challenging, yet the Alfir have adapted remarkably well. In summer, the days stretch on endlessly, and the weather becomes mild. Ice and snow retreat to the higher elevations, and the forests come alive with a burst of activity and growth.


Contrary to the assumptions of many scholars, the Alfir are not a purely nomadic people. While the great cities of their former empire have crumbled, many permanent Alfir settlements still dot the landscape of Alfheim. During the summer months, many Alfir embark on long hunting expeditions, a practice essential for their survival and deeply embedded in their culture. These hunts are not just a means of sustenance but also a time of bonding, storytelling, and the passing down of ancient traditions. The Alfir’s tendency to hide their settlements and venture on these hunts has led many outsiders to underestimate the complexity and richness of their culture.

The ruins of the Alfir’s white cities and towers, scattered across Alfheim, are a poignant reminder of their once-magnificent civilization. These ruins, often shrouded in snow and ice, hold a mystical and haunting beauty. They serve as silent witnesses to the Alfir’s storied past, drawing those who seek to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic people.

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