
Ahovira, a formidable and enigmatic figure, serves as the court wizard to the Emperor of Narin and is also a member of the Thalaric Council. With the recent coronation of Vileminna I, Ahovira has now served three reigning Narin emperors, a testament to her enduring influence and unmatched expertise in the arcane arts. Her dual roles demand her to divide her time between the imperial capital of Narinth and the city of Thalarion.


Ahovira is known for her composed and inscrutable demeanor. She carries an aura of quiet authority, commanding respect without needing to assert it overtly. Despite her calm exterior, she is a relentless seeker of knowledge, driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to push the boundaries of magical understanding. Her pursuit of arcane mastery is matched by her deep sense of duty to both the Thalaric Council and the Narinth court.

Rise to Power

Ahovira’s journey to becoming the court wizard was marked by rigorous study and numerous trials. Born in 874~IA~ into a wealthy and politically powerful family, albeit with a modest magical heritage, she nonetheless displayed extraordinary talent from a young age. Her early years were spent in intense study under various tutors and masters, where she quickly outpaced her peers. Recognized for her potential, she was eventually invited to work under Ilzalius, the previous court wizard. Only a few years later in 901~IA~, Ilzalius announced his retirement from the post, and strongly advised the Emperor to pick Ahovira as his successor.

Ahovira was granted a seat on the Thalaric Council in 911~IA~, amidst Narin’s military conflicts with Corin, Illyria, and Greade. As with most members of the Thalaric Council, the circumstances by which Ahovira gained a council seat are kept secret, though many suspect that the Emperor influenced the council’s decision as a way of keeping Thalarion from joining the conflicts on the opposing side.

Dual Life & Public Perception

Balancing her responsibilities as a court wizard and a council member, Ahovira’s life is a constant interplay between political intrigue and scholarly endeavors. In Narinth, she advises the Emperor on matters of state, using her magical prowess to protect the empire and advance its interests. In Thalarion, she has shown herself to be a responsible steward of the city and its people.

Despite the Emperor’s unwavering faith in her, Ahovira’s dual allegiances have made her a contentious figure. Many in both Narinth and Thalarion view her with suspicion, questioning her loyalty and intentions. Her commitment to serving two masters has sparked rumors and speculation, casting a shadow over her otherwise illustrious career. Yet, Ahovira remains undeterred, resolute in her mission to bridge the realms of politics and magic for the greater good.

Personal Pursuits and Interests

Outside of her official duties, Ahovira is a dedicated scholar with a particular interest in ancient magical texts and forgotten lore. She is known to spend countless hours in the vast libraries of Thalarion, unraveling the secrets of bygone eras. Her personal quarters are filled with rare tomes and mystical artifacts, each with a story that fuels her insatiable quest for knowledge. As a Human, Ahovira also believes strongly in the importance of nurturing the next generation of magical talent, and never has less than five apprentices at a time.

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