Welcome to Gradia!

Gradia is a homebrew setting for fantasy role-playing games that started with the release of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition in 2000, as a simple map of two nations, Narin and Corin. Gradia has grown organically and collaboratively with the help of GMs and players alike ever since.

Gradia is a very human-focused world. And, with some notable exceptions, it’s a fairly low-fantasy world as well. Orcs, Elves, magic and monsters exist - but most people have never seen anything magical, let alone ever having met a wizard. Gods do grant their most devout followers powers akin to minor miracles, but the common believers never have such experiences.

That’s not to say that Gradia is a mundane world, though! Epic-worthy adventures await those willing to look beyond the surface. Diverse cultures co-exist while nations rise and fall and vie for power around them. How will you shape the course of this land’s history?

The World of Gradia

The land of Gradia is massive, and no one map can hold its vastness. But there are many stories of lands beyond the civilized world… Barbarian hordes, firey mountains, eternal forests, and oceans of sand. Sit a while, and listen. I shall spin you many tales of the greatest lands under the sky…

— Rogan Clearwater

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You can find the content that makes up this site on GitHub - fork it or even contribute your changes back.